Tuesday, September 21, 2010

THT Launches Course To Teach Gay Men How To Get The Most Out Of Anal Sex, UK

This autumn, HIV and sexual health charity Terrence Higgins Trust (THT) will launch a new evening class to teach gay and bisexual men how they can enjoy the best - and safest - anal sex. 'Mind Your Backs, Guys' is a free, confidential, three-hour session at a central London location. The first session will run on Wednesday 22 September from 6.00pm - 9.00pm.

As well as looking at the biology of anal sex and how men can get pleasure from it, the session will also look at potential health risks, how men can stop HIV getting into the body, and how to achieve better orgasms.

Gordon Mundie, Groupwork Co-ordinator at THT, said: "As sex education in schools is still very much geared around procreation, with little attention paid to sex as recreation, we know many gay men leave the education system with big gaps in their knowledge. Our new course has been designed to increase guys' confidence about anal sex, which should help them make good, informed decisions about the type of sex they have."

"Guys don't often get the chance to talk openly and frankly about the sex that they are having or would like to have. This group offers that opportunity, and a safe space to ask questions"

The session will be repeated on Wednesday 20th October, and again on Wednesday 16th February.

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