Sunday, November 16, 2008

Cause Of Aging Skin Problems And Their Solutions

For centuries men have tried to find the fountain of youth that will make him live forever and be young, however even though a lot of advances have been made in this field we can not avoid aging, however most people just accept the fact that they have to age without realizing that the visual signs of aging can be avoided in most part.

Of all the internal and external parts of the body which undergo various changes during aging, skin, the largest organ is the most affected. A lot can be done to diminish the outward manifestations of aging, provided we know more about aging skin problems along with aging spots on skin, and aging skin treatment.

Sometimes it comes as a surprise that two people of the same age look different. While one has skin with the smoothness and glow of a young adult, the other has sagging skin. For the latter, it would not be an overstatement to say their skin gives away their age! Not many of us realize the importance of keeping a healthy lifestyle during our youthful days. This includes balanced diet, regular physical exercise, healthy sleeping habits and giving up some of the poor life style choices we make like smoking and alcohol. While the young years somehow cover up many of our follies, aging brings it all out in the open.

The appearance of aging spots can be dramatically reduced by the use of a whitening cream that contains an active ingredient called extrapone nut grass. Extrapone nutgrass, unlike other active ingredients commonly found in whitening creams, is clinically proven to make age spots and freckles slowly disappear without the risk of any side effects.

Another one of the most common aging skin problems is the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Wrinkles form all over the face and body as we age and the only way to prevent them and reduce their appearance is by using skin care products that contain a high concentration of active ingredients known to fight the main causes of aging. These ingredients include Cynergy TK, Nanolipobelle H EQ10, and Phytessence Wakame.

These three potent ingredients can also help to reduce aging spots on skin but the most highly effective ingredients in terms of reducing aging spots are active manuka honey and natural vitamin E. Active manuka honey is a honey from New Zealand that is famous for its unique healing properties.

Those are some of the most effective natural ingredients that few companies actually use them in their skin care products to make a dramatic change in your facial look without painful treatments or side effects.

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Visit Goherbalremedies Herbal Remedies, Natural Remedies Also Read About Breast Enhancement Pills, Natural Breast Enlargement Pills and Irregular Menstruation , Uterine Bleeding

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Can Acupuncture Affect Autism?

Can Acupuncture Affect Autism? The ever increasing number of children diagnosed with autism has created a degree of alarm in the US and around the world. So far, doctors have failed to find a cure for this illness. Some parents and health practitioners have begun to experiment with alternative forms of treatment including acupuncture.

Acupuncture is a holistic approach in treating and preventing certain diseases. While still considered “strange” in Western eyes, it’s been around for centuries and has been practiced for decades in the US. It uses very thin needles that are inserted into targeted points in the body. The body has about 400 of these points linked through a system known as meridians or pathways. Once these acupuncture points are stimulated, they are believed to help create balance in the body.

Autism is a brain disorder that is long term. This disease is characterized by deficits in language, social communication and cognition. Children who are diagnosed with this illness may also suffer from secondary problems such as aggression, volatile emotions, irritability, negativism, stereotypes, hyperactivity, temper tantrums, short attention span and obsessive-compulsive behavior.

Preliminary studies have shown that acupuncture may provide symptomatic relief to children suffering from autism. Although difficult at first, it is believed that it is rewarding in the long run. This is because while conventional therapy and treatment requires that the child stay still, acupuncture doesn’t. Some say it’s a quick prick at the vital points in the body.

A group of children in the US participated in a test to see how effective acupuncture is among children. There were 22 respondents in the study. Each was given the treatment once every other day for four months. There was understandably some problem getting children to accept the needling of acupuncture. This reluctance seems to last only for the first few sessions. It appears that the children quickly learn that the procedure is painless, but even more important seemed to sense almost immediately the calming and improvement it brings to them. After the treatment 20 out of the 22 respondents showed remarkable improvement. Aside from traditional acupuncture to help children with autism, a preliminary study in Hong Kong is trying to see if tongue acupuncture can produce better results. Results have showed that of 30 respondents in the test, majority showed functional improvement of various degrees depending on the age and severity of their disabilities. Some improvement was noticeable within a few sessions, especially for drooling, spasticity (scissoring or tiptoeing), ataxia, and poor balance in walking. Functional improvement was noted after one to two courses of Tongue Acupuncture. Most children tolerated it well, with only occasional pain and minor bleeding in some patients.

The reason why tongue acupuncture is being experimented with is because there is believed to be a connection between the tongue and the heart through the meridians that spread to all the organs in the body. It is thought that the points on the tongue can influence the state of the other body organs thus giving relief to the one suffering from autism. But many believe that acupuncture alone cannot help autism sufferers. It has to be combined with other things like maintaining a careful diet to help improve one’s mood and communication schools. Although benefits from acupuncture appear to offer only short term results rather than a cure, it is better than nothing until a cure is found. When will the cure be found? Only time can tell as there are many other questions that have to be answered in order for doctors to further understand neurological disabilities. A number of Autism researchers believe that an interdisciplinary approach using acupuncture is appropriate given that it has shown positive results.

Are You Using Vitamin C To Enhance Your Beauty?

By louise forrest

One of the most powerful vitamins for caring for the skin is that of Vitamin C as this is a very powerful anti oxidant that is being added to a number of tones, cleansers and other skin products.

In fact there are many manufacturers that are aware of the benefits of Vitamin C and this is why it can be seen in more and more products from serums, eye creams and various moisturisers for all skin types. There are in fact many benefits to using such products and the main one being able to fight off free radicals.

Vitamin c will work against damage caused by free radicals and these are the tiny molecules that exist in the atmosphere that are constantly bombarding against the surface of the skin. If nothing is done then these free radicals can cause a lot of damage to the skin and even to other internal organs. The Vitamin C that is being used can help to remove and prevent any such damage.

Another important fact about Vitamin C is that it helps to produce melanin, and this is responsible for maintaining the colour of the skin. There are times when too much exposure to the sun for instance can lead to hyperpigmentation whicch can lead to some blemishes on the skin such as age spots. If you are to use just 5% of Vitamin C, this has been shown to help reduce and lighten the areas of hyperpigmentation and so the skin looks more evenly toned.

To help keep the skin looking young and also firm it needs collagen. The elasticity of the skin gives the skin its much needed firmness and we start to age the production of collagen and also the elasticity can become reduced. This can happen for a number of reasons such as exposure to the sun and other pollutants that are present in the atmosphere.

Getting Vitamin C in your body and onto your skin will help to reproduce collagen that is needed and the skin will also start to become thicker. The overall result is that the skin will look and feel much younger and will also be much tighter.

One of the worse things that can happen to the skin is that it can become dry and this generally happens when there is not sufficient amounts of water within the skin. Dry skin can prove to be a nightmare to deal as this promotes advanced ageing and in very severe cases it can also cause the skin to become dry and cracked. Vitamin C on the other hand will help to prevent any lost moisture content and so the skin will look fuller and younger.

Given that the skin is the largest organ of the body it does need to be cared for. It does experience a great deal of damage and so it does need to repair itself. In order to help speed up the process Vitamin C can help to heal the cells of the skin and to also delay any tumours that may result from excess exposure to the skin. If you are able to find a sunscreen that contains Vitamin C you will be very well protected.

Any skin care product that you use should ideally contain no less than 10% of Vitamin C in order for it to be effective. You also need to make sure that you are storing any products correctly and you really do need to be adding Vitamin C as a part of your daily skin care routine.

About the author:
Get more information about beauty care. Spend time learning about natural beauty products and get some information on
chemical free beauty products also.

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